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The Metamorphosis of Mortality | By Edward J. Williams

In the tapestry of life, woven with threads of light,

Exists a shadow, inevitable, casting its solemn might.

Death, the silent companion, walks by our side,

A reminder of our mortality, in which we cannot hide.

From ancient scrolls, the wisdom of ages past,

The Bible whispers truths, enduring and steadfast.

In its verses, we find solace and grace,

Guiding us through life's fleeting embrace.

"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil," declares the Psalmist's breath.

For beyond this earthly realm, a promise does wait,

Eternal life, beyond the confines of fate.

But in the realm of the living, here and now,

Death beckons us to ponder, to wonder, to vow.

To seize each moment, with fervour and zeal,

For in the dance of mortality, every heartbeat is real.

Yet in this modern age, death's presence is known,

No longer a stranger, but a companion we've grown.

Bedmates, roommates, kin and friend,

In death's embrace, our journeys do end.

Yet amidst the tears, the grief, the pain,

A whisper of hope, a refrain to sustain.

For in the face of mortality, we find our call,

To live with purpose, to stand tall.

Legacy, not in gold or stone, do we seek,

But in the lives we touch, the words we speak.

For what remains when breath does fade,

Are the echoes of love, the marks we've made.

So let us redefine success, in life's fleeting span,

Not in wealth or power, but in the hearts of man.

For when we depart, as all must do,

Our legacy lives on, in the deeds we pursue.

Embrace, then, the shadow, the end's gentle embrace,

For in death's embrace, we find life's true grace.

With courage and purpose, let us live each day,

For in embracing death, we find the strength to stay.

In the tapestry of life, death's thread may weave,

But in its pattern, our legacy does cleave.

So let us embrace life, with all its strife,

For in the dance of death, we find the essence of life.

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