Has anyone ever said words to you like, "you're never going to amount to anything" or "you're never going anywhere in life?" If so, you've probably held onto those words, and at some point, accepted yourself as a failure. Many of us struggle daily with limitations, and we want to break out and be free. There are restricted boundaries set on us by society, culture, tradition, or religion. They tell us what to do, where to go, who to become, and how to live. We feel caged, and it's suffocating us. Sometimes we struggle with inner dreams, visions, and desires because of the restricted boundaries given to us by others. A limitation can be defined as a restriction, a boundary (real or metaphorical), caused by something or some circumstance.

What limits a person?
Several factors contribute to limitations, but we will briefly look at two: our minds and society (including our culture, tradition, or religion).
Our minds: a factor that hinders us from rising above our limitations is our mindset. We are products of our thoughts. Limitations start from the mind because what you think is who you will become. Sometimes, who we think we are is not who we are, as we perceive ourselves based on how others perceive us. No man can climb beyond the limitations of his own belief. Have you ever wondered why some are poor, and some are rich? A significant reason is because of how they all think. One thought is limited while the other wanders freely. Your mind is a great weapon, and it can either work for you or against you depending on how you program it. The mind is a very terrible thing to waste.
Society (including our culture, tradition, or religion): these elements have set a standard for us. They've told us who and how we are to be. We cannot do certain things or go certain places, not because we are not smart enough or qualified enough, but because of our gender. If you are a female, it's probable you've been told that your place is the kitchen and to birth children. Society has agreed that you are to be in a subservient position: they've labeled you as inferior. They've told you that you don't matter and don't have the right to speak up. Many of us are still tied to traditions and beliefs that prevent us from experiencing the joy that comes from walking in the steps that God has ordered for us. We are, therefore, confined to someone else's boundaries.
How to break free from limitations
There are several ways to break free from limitations, but first, you have to discover who you are indeed. You were created to color outside the lines, not exercise your freedom in the confinement of a box. God didn't create us to be average or live according to societal standards. He created us to live above the average as extraordinary beings. You have to realize that you possess great qualities and potentials and were sent to fulfill a specific purpose. To know truly who you are meant to be, you'll have to go to the source, who is God. In him, you will fully discover why you were sent and who you are. Changing your mindset is also a key factor. You have to stop limiting yourself by thinking negative thoughts.
You have to change your mindset from the one that says, "I can't, to the one that says, "I can do anything and be anyone I want." Let your thoughts be unlimited and think so big that it frightens others. Hence, do not give others the right to define you or your future. Your past does not determine the worth of your future. You should not accept others' opinions because they do not see what God sees. Your potential is limited only by God and not others.
" You must decide today not to rob the world of the rich, valuable, potent, untapped resources locked away within you." - Dr. Myles Munroe.