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Lost Sons

Updated: Apr 9, 2019

By: Korpo M. Selay

The drums beat violently

Till its rhythm is lost

Another dead body has just been buried

When will the killings ever stop?

One of Africa's son had just been carried

Mama Africa is shedding tears

She's shuddering out of fear

"Will they ever stop hurting each other?" She wonders

But the thought, they might never, makes her ponder

With tears rolling down her face

She looks at the weeping daughter

Just what will be her fate

Without anyone to call father?

If only, if only I had known, she said

I wouldn't have given birth to worthless sons

Blinded by the unknown

But continues to write useless songs

If only I had known, she said

It would've all been better

With my children eating bread and butter

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