Is watching pornography a sin? Does it affect a person’s sexual life? How does it affect the way someone sees life? With the advancement of technology, we now have easier access to things such as pornography that have the potential to ruin our lives regardless of our religious beliefs. While pornography addiction may seem like a harmless habit, it has devastating effects on its viewers. This article aims to answer some questions about pornography addiction, clarify some misconceptions and thoughts surrounding it and suggest ways to overcome pornography addiction.
Pornography, according to New Oxford American Dictionary, is a printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity intended to stimulate sexual excitement. Pornography addiction is as strong and relevant as every other addiction. However, many victims of this addiction tend to keep quiet primarily because of the fear of being publicly and privately judged or stigmatized by people. Therefore, the spirit of sexual lust is promoted to a great extent among young people through pornography.
As a former victim of pornography addiction and someone who has had several encounters with pornography addiction victims, the effects are very prevalent. For instance, the craving to keep watching regardless of who you are with or where you are. My first encounter with pornography at age 13 was due to scrolling through an adult phone. Like me, many other young people encounter pornography at the same age or older and through the same medium. This encounter unknowingly planted a seed in me that gradually resulted in addiction. The more curious I was to know what it was, the craving of consistently watching porn crept in. Like most pornography addicts, this habit ruined my life to a great extent.
Whether you are addicted to alcohol, drug, pornography, etc., there is one thing they all seem to have in common; enslavement. Such habits take total control of us and place us in a position where we are willing to do whatever to satisfy the cravings. We lose control of ourselves, and the power of addiction takes control.
For Christians, pornography is a sin even though we deny it by claiming no commandment in the Bible tells us not to watch it. While there is no direct commandment against pornography, the Bible warns us against sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18). Pornography is a sin as it leads to fornication and masturbation, which the Bible warns against (1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Ephesians 5:3). Pornography also invites room for one of the most dangerous but familiar spirits afflicting believers, which is lust (Matthew 5:27-28). It hinders the word of God. Even though you hear the word, it wouldn't impact your life to the fullest because your mind and attention are divided.
Furthermore, pornography fills up a person's mind with images and ideas that may influence their sexual behavior and result in them having multiple sex partners. Someone said, " The effects of watching pornography are not only spiritual but physical. Each time I encountered a girl with an attractive body, I would become sexually aroused.” This testament is evidence of the correlation between watching pornography and the spirit of lust.
According to Dr. Weber, internet pornography addiction can develop even more quickly because it engages the most acute sense we have, our eyes; and it's readily available in unlimited quantities. "It is even more addictive than drug addictions because the images are stored directly in the memory and remain long after viewing, altering the structure and function of the brain.” This theory is scientifically proven, and a person who has watched porn can attest to this.
Physically, it breaks marriages due to lack of satisfaction. Pornography addicts, in some cases, request of their partners that which they see in pornographic films, and if such demands are not met, it may sometimes lead to the decrease of sexual intimacy within a relationship. According to the National Coalition for Protection of Children and Families, 47% of U.S families reported that pornography was a problem in their homes in 2010.
Mentally, it takes root in your mind and works at its best to control your thoughts and imagination. Internet pornography leaves people wanting more but not necessarily because they like what they see, which contributes to symptoms of anxiety and depression. “Over time your senses dull, and it's harder to find pleasure in the images or even in everyday life” - (Top Five Warning Signs of Internet Pornography Addiction, Weber,
"In my weak way, I tried to overcome it. I deleted all the videos, I broke the discs into pieces, but it didn't help. Once I got a smartphone, I started to go on websites, downloaded those videos wherever I could find them. I downloaded those videos to watch them by mixing the videos with other apps on my phone" ~ Anonymous.
It takes particular interventions to get rid of this addiction. Many individuals who are addicted to pornography usually find it challenging to overcome their addiction, but it is not impossible to overcome this addiction.

Overcoming your pornography addiction
The are many steps to recovering from addictions, but this article will take into consideration the following.
The first step is admitting and agreeing that porn is evil, that it is not only physical and mental, but it's also spiritual. Ask God for forgiveness and believe that He is to forgive (1 John 1:9). In addition to that, confide in someone, talk to them about your addiction and seek professional advice. Block all the sites that provide you with such content, and avoid movies involving sex scenes; this will help prevent temptation. The final and most crucial step is making a firm decision to quit watching pornography. Be determined and consistent in your journey of overcoming an addiction. Remember, there's nothing you can not do once you believe in yourself.
"I decided that it wasn't good for me, and I stopped going on the app, watching the videos. Even when I saw it on another person's phone, I would close it as quickly as possible or give back the person's phone right away. Each time I contacted such videos, I would get rid of the site as fast as possible. For sexual scenes in movies, I would forward it to the next scene because I didn't want it to take root in my mind once again. The more I stayed away from pornographic films, the craving went away, and presently I do not watch pornographic films or have anything to do with it anymore" ~ Anonymous.
"I got tired of being controlled by a negative mindset and pushed around by a habit, so I decided to take control. I deleted the account I created on a pornographic site and trained myself to stay away from such videos. To ensure that I was making progress, I tested myself with explicit movies that would've probably urged me to go back to those sites( I had a series of wars with myself at that moment). I did it repeatedly till my urge died, and I stopped being interested in sexual conversations about girls and nude scenes. Instead, I started to focus on positivity, stayed indoors, and communicated with God"~Anonymous.
When I decided to quit pornographic films, it was a gradual process, but it was a relief when I finally overcame my addiction. What helped me the most was getting rid of every access to pornographic films, downloaded videos on my phone, saved links and apps. You may think that you can not stop the cravings, but yes, you can. If you do not know how to, this is your chance. Know the truth and work upon it. For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7).
As you read this, I pray that God uses my testimony and the testimony of others to bring you out of this place of bondage and that you will find your peace in him. Trust in God, and He will surely deliver you (Proverbs 3:5-7).
God is calling you to rise above your limitations, and fulfill His plans for your life, to fulfill your purpose and destiny.