As of April 5, the total global confirmed case of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is over 1.2 million, with a staggering death toll of 69,479, of which the U.S. accounts for 9,643 (Facebook's COVID-19 Page, 2020). It is without a doubt that the coronavirus has caused the entire world to come to what seems to be a social and economic halt. If you're religious, the virus has also affected you spiritually since it has caused your house of worship to practically close its doors. In Liberia, for example, police are seen chasing people out of churches to combat the deadly virus. Citizens of all nations are looking and trusting that their leaders will put measures in place that will bring an end to this global crisis. Many are simultaneously seeking divine intervention in hopes that this calamity will climax.
Socially, things that we once overlooked now seem to be the most precious to us. Most of these things are now in their way, deadly weapons. Fellowships in forms of public gatherings like sports arenas, schools, restaurants, entertainment centers, etc. are now highly discouraged. The shaking of hands and the affectionate hugs we once shared with those we love are currently on the list of things we dare to do. Regardless of the self-awareness, self-care, and support, being forced to isolate for extended periods can be overwhelming.

Economically, people are fired or laid off from their jobs daily. For the first time in history, the U.S. government is disbursing 2 trillion dollars to help offset the economic challenges faced by its citizens and businesses. The government of Rwanda, in a collaborative effort to seek the well-being of its people and contain the virus, distributed bags of rice to 20,000 households in the city of Kigali. Governments are utilizing these different types of assistance to serve as an intervention for the economic loss that is ongoing. People around the world, specifically in the U.S., are concurrently experiencing role loss. The loss of roles could be that an individual is no longer the financial provider of the family because he or she loses his or her job due to the pandemic, which could result in a loss of self-esteem or a sense of authority. Job loss and self-independence place a significant demand on our psyches and our every being.
On the other hand, there are other positive takeaways from the current pandemic. The virus has now caused us to become selfless. Love is now the force that drives everything we do. We saw it when medics traveled from Cuba to provide much needed medical assistance to citizens of Italy. We see it when people dance on their front porches in communities around the globe. Parents are appropriating this time to socialize with their family and teach their kids essential life skills of how to be kind and show empathy towards others. As a result of the forced isolation, family members are now getting to know each other from a much deeper perspective, what triggers them, their likes, or dislikes. All these circumstances increase our likelihood of building a stronger bond/relationship with our loved ones.
These tough times to me, seem to be our time to reflect. The time spent in isolation could be used to reflect on what our priorities should be as a society. I think for far too long, we have prioritized the wrong things. We have valued our busy work schedules over the priceless time we could spend with our loved ones. We have prioritized money and wealth over our ability to be as generous as we were created to be. We have idolized sports as the reigning gods in our lives. Spirituality has become our last resort when everything else seems to fail us. Instead of complaining about how terrible these times are, we can maybe use it as our turning point. Take a timeout. Do some self-reflection and reevaluate our priorities so that we can plan accordingly for the future. Perhaps it is time that we each try to find our purpose, one that isn't centered around us.
This pandemic has allowed people to make their dreams of making the world a better place a reality. Just by staying indoors, you are healing the world and making it a safe place for everyone else. People have now realized that the world needs them, and they have something to offer. History will remember COVID-19 and recognize you and your contributions. Hang in there. We will undoubtedly prevail!
By: Prince L. Jarbo Founder Project Change or @prochangeinliberia